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Ultimate Muscle

For full terms and Conditions on the use of our web site click on Info then Terms.

For additional shop Terms and Conditions see below.

This document is updated regularly.  Visit this page frequently to keep up to date with any new terms and conditions.

Video Downloads

  1. Any DOWNLOADS made from our shop or non-refundable as they are videos which can be instantly downloaded and played on your computer.
  2. If you have NOT downloaded the video we will be happy to refund you, for example if you have bought the same video twice and your original had not expired or you bought it by mistake and have not downloaded it.
  3. Once you download a video we cannot refund you for that video as you are in possession of it.
  4. The video is for your use and is not to be shared via copies to other people for example on social media or giving it to be used on a friends device.  You may download more than one copy for use on multiple devices, for your own use.  For example, you might want a workout video on your PC, tablet and phone for use in the gym and at home, but you cannot put a copy on a device that does not belong to you for example, a friends tablet.

Postal products

  1. If you are unhappy with any postal product you may return this item (postage paid by you) and we will refund you, minus the postage charge for the item.  Normally the item should be returned within 14 days but our policy on this site gives you 21 days from the date of purchase on the web site.
  2. If the item is faulty we will refund you upon the return of the item.  If you wish to have a replacement you will then need to re-order the item.
  3. If the item is the wrong size we will refund you upon the return of the item.  If you wish to have a replacement you will then need to re-order the item.

Coupons, Vouchers and Points (these have no money value at all, they cannot be exchanged for any money, they can only be used in the shop).

  1. Coupons and vouchers have specific use, you should check the terms and conditions for each coupon and voucher.
  2. Some coupons and vouchers require a minimum spend or only work with specific products.
  3. Points are collected when you make a purchase from the shop, some items are excluded from points collecting.
  4. Bonus points are awarded on occasions and you should check the terms and conditions for these offers.
  5. Coupons, Vouchers and Points maybe be used for full or part payments for items.
  6. Coupons, Vouchers and Points have no value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  7. Points can be removed at anytime without notice so you are advised not to collect them for long periods.
  8. There is a maximum number of points you may collect, after this time you will stop collecting points until you have used some.
  9. Coupons, Vouchers and Points cannot be used against subscription costs.

Click on an available slot below to book a video chat booking with Ultimate Muscle.  You will then be given more details and have the chance to book.

We have a state of the art video chat system, which requires the use of the very latest version of Chrome.  Please ensure Chrome is installed and you have updated it prior the the video chat.



Judo is one of the best forms on anaerobic and VO2 training as it includes quick and very explosive movements which maximises the performance of fast twitch muscle fibres and maintains a healthy body.

Not only being a great form of fitness, Judo helps you excel your mind by working out dynamic movements and making split second decisions which can lead to a victory or defeat.

All of this leads to a calm mind and a fit body, leaving you feeling great, more confident while allowing you to find new levels for your bodies capabilities, discovering what you are really made of. If you are interested in JUDO, one on one or group sessions are available and can be performed by people at any able ability, size, age or strength. You can even book a one to one or group session with me on certain dates in our mat room using the Booking option, Click Profiles, Create New Booking.

Some of the movements in JUDO are beneficial, even for people who don't have an interest in the sport. I have picked out and tailored person workout videos to maximise fitness and to help improve people's lives.

These Dvd's are not available yet but will be available shortly to all premium members and I will be will working on more throughout 2016, so stay tuned!

Our Goal Tracking system will allow you to keep track of your achievements and through one to one videos chats with me we can develop your skills and fine tune your training. You can request a fitness plan or a one to one video chat via Profiles, Create New Booking.

All the best,

Ultimate Muscle


Web Buster UK Ltd,
co. Ultimate Muscle,
Kiln Hill,
Market Place,
North Yorkshire




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PT Bookings

Book sessions with us, one to one or group sessions for training in Martial Arts, Wrestling, High adrenaline workouts or weight training.



Life Pulse

Tracking your own fitness development including your heart rate, fat levels, BMI, weight, waist, bicep size and lots more, watch your graphs develop as you train.
