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Ultimate Muscle


Self defence is designed to give you confidence. It helps you to know when and if it’s a good time to react or not.

It’s not always best to take action and we would strongly advise you to avoid getting into a situation where self-defence is needed but we do understand that this is not always the case and sometimes you have no choice but to protect yourself or someone close to you. The self defence system is made up of techniques used in real life situations and we only show what you need to know to keep it simple. To protect yourself properly you have to use impetus and effort and have no limits as a wrong move could result in the ending not being in your favour.

We can’t be held responsible for any errors or injuries caused by practicing our techniques.

Please take care and practice softly and slowly.

If you have any personal requests for self defence then go to GAMES, Challenge Josh and complete the form and I will do my best to recreate them on my next shoot. If you want a one to one video chat then go to bookings and you can book a private video chat with me on here. For any other questions contact my PA on and we will do our best to see to your needs.

Having a healthy life style is so important as it plays a big part in our lives. 
A healthy body will make you feel exhilarated and improve your enjoyment and quality of life.

Having a helping hand, by someone who has done all the hard work before, cuts out hours of trials and errors you may find if you trained on your own accord. I can tailor training to meet individual needs. 

You can spend hundreds a month on supplements and personal training. Here for a low monthly fee you will receive advice, training plans and fitness advice for great natural results. My first tip for you would be, invest in a George Foreman Grill.

Enjoy my site, Ultimate Muscle.

To contact me, email my PA on



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Book sessions with us, one to one or group sessions for training in Martial Arts, Wrestling, High adrenaline workouts or weight training.



Life Pulse

Tracking your own fitness development including your heart rate, fat levels, BMI, weight, waist, bicep size and lots more, watch your graphs develop as you train.
